Have you ever noticed how all those small cords supplied with your electronic equipment come in six-foot lengths (1.8m)? Probably six times what you actually need for connecting your laptop to your favorite device! And the result; a massive messy knotted tangle. Sometimes even damage.
Before and After
Cableyoyo is shown above with a camera docking station. The six-foot cord is entirely wrapped inside the Cableyoyo which is then attached to the DC adapter with the adhesive spindle provided.
Attached behind an iMac, the Cableyoyo below is taking up the slack in an iPod cord. When traveling, take the Cableyoyo with you and fit it into a thin pocket while leaving the spindle in place for your return.Cableyoyo can be attached to the side of a computer, behind a monitor, onto your hard drive etc... Almost any flat surface in fact.
Source: Bluelounge